Saturday, July 26, 2008

Sarah Casey, new friend!

I can't believe that I am about to admit my total ignorance for all the world to see, but hey.....what's a girl to do? I AM in the dark most of the time about anything that has to do with the computer, or emailing, or anything else that can't be done with a Bic pen and a notebook! I am scratching and clawing my way into the 21st century with all of it's cyber-stuff and, believe me, I am leaving behind an unsightly trail of mess-ups and confusion. So, having said all that, I now move on the the 'revealing of the ignorant'! Some of you have been kind enough to leave nice comments on some of my blogs. I recognize most of you.....Melanie, Pam, Sherry, etc., but I have a great desire to find out who the new friend is that left her comments about Buffy, the granddog. Sarah Casey is her name and she sounds just like the kind of person that I like to have for a friend. Sarah, you left me a very sweet message and I would really like to correspond with you, but...........I can't find you!! Your second message told me that you would mark the email box, or some such thing as that, but.......and here is where I show my complete ignorance....
I have NO CLUE where to find such a thing. I have double clicked everything that could be clicked and a bunch of stuff that just ignored me when it WAS clicked. Nothing....not good.... not good at all. So, I'm asking for a little help from Sarah. If you read my blog again, PLEASE let me know how to contact you. I'm all about friends and you sound like you might just fit that description. And the rest of you.......don't just sit there!! If you know about this email box thingy, HELP ME!! I've fallen into a blog and I can't get up!!!


Kimberly said...

Dear Up and Coming Computer Genius,
In just a matter of time you will surpass us all with your intellect and knowledge, but for now allow me to assist you. The "email button" is a box on Sarah's profile that allows her to decide if she wants other bloggers and internet lurkers to see her email address for contact purposes. As I am sure you have already discovered, when you double click on her name her profile will appear. If she has checked the email box you will be able to see her email address. However, I checked and it is not available. This leads me to believe that she has not changed her preferences concerning email on her profile yet. I am sorry, but I can't think of any other way to contact her either.
An old friend

Adam & Val & Aubrey & Annie said...

Sarah Casey is your good friend Ruth Nichols sister! And now you know the rest of the story. =) Have a nice day and glad I could help you out!

Sarah said...

Ok Lorna...Im sorry that I didn't look at your blog again until today September 24th!Ha However,since you didn't know who I was I really don't feel so bad anymore!Ha I see that Valerie or Adam gave you the secret information so I don't need to introduce myself! Your blog is as cute as can be and you seem to know alot more about the computer stuff than you are letting on. Your one up on me honey...I don't blog...BUT, I sure do enjoy reading them. Hope your doing well! Take care...Sarah Casey